Bill Ure
REALTOR® | (907) 244-4467
Bill is a Northern Arizona University Graduate in Business Administration and graduated from Alexandria Area Technical School in Alexandria, MN with an Associates Degree in Interior Design. Bill moved to Anchorage in 1982 to work and experience Alaska and to enjoy his favorite sports mountaineering, hiking, camping in their RV, raising dogs, skiing, snow machining and fishing. Bill has been an Anchorage East Rotarian for the last 25 years and was a past president in 2020-21. Bill enjoys giving back to the Alaska community. Bill is married to his college sweetheart Terry (Goeldner) Ure and has two grown daughters living in Arizona and two grandsons. Bill is a new construction specialist and represents Elisha Custom Homes, LLC – Peter Abramov at View Pointe at the Ranch in the Wasilla-Palmer area. Bill lives in Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska and works with both buyers and sellers in the cities of Anchorage, Palmer and Wasilla.