Kelly Moore
REALTOR® | (907) 713-7381
When starting my real estate career in 2005, I would show up for appointments in heels and nice clothes because I thought that was what was "expected" of me. After walking through pastures in East Texas in high heels, it seemed obvious this was a bad idea!
I enjoyed many years selling real estate in the Dallas, Texas area. Once all 4 of our boys moved out and joined the military, my husband and I decided to take this time in our lives to live somewhere that inspires us. After a quick "vacation" to Juneau, AK, we packed everything up and moved here within 4 months.
There are so many things I love about real estate. I love helping people accomplish their dreams and goals from owning their own home to investing to create a legacy. I love problem solving and walking alongside people on their journey.
Once I figured out that being a licensee wasn't about looking the part, I began to concentrate on doing the job, not impressing you with my car and clothes.
So I hope to meet you soon and I'll be the licensee in jeans.
~Diamond Service, Denim Comfort ~